The Greatest Indian Heroes and Chieftains - Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Little Crow, Tamahay, Gall, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, American Horse...

The Greatest Indian Heroes and Chieftains - Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Little Crow, Tamahay, Gall, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, American Horse...

von: Charles A. Eastman OhiyeS'a

e-artnow, 2023

ISBN: 4066339581524 , 112 Seiten

Format: ePUB

Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen

Mac OSX,Windows PC für alle DRM-fähigen eReader Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Apple iPod touch, iPhone und Android Smartphones

Preis: 1,99 EUR

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The Greatest Indian Heroes and Chieftains - Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Little Crow, Tamahay, Gall, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, American Horse...


This eBook edition of 'Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains' has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains presents biographies of 15 great Native American Chiefs, including Crazy Horse, Siting Bull and Red Cloud. Most of the Chiefs presented were Sioux, and some of them were Eastman's friends such as Rain-In-The-Face. Contents: Red Cloud Spotted Tail Little Crow Tamahay Gall Crazy Horse Sitting Bull Rain-In-The-Face Two Strike American Horse Dull Knife Roman Nose Chief Joseph Little Wolf Hole-In-The-Day