Living Life One Second at a Time - Story of a Near-Death Experience, Encounters with Angels, and a Healing Journey
von: Brenda Lott
BookBaby, 2024
ISBN: 9798350981230
, 144 Seiten
Format: ePUB
Kopierschutz: frei
Preis: 3,56 EUR
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Living Life One Second at a Time - Story of a Near-Death Experience, Encounters with Angels, and a Healing Journey
'Living Life One Second at a Time' is an inspiring testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity while embracing each moment's beauty. Follow the author's astonishing near-death experience on a skiing accident and her extended healing journey guided by the presence of angels. Whether you seek inspiration, encouragement, or hope, Brenda's story will resonate with you long after you turn the final page.
Brenda Lott is a renowned spiritual teacher and energy healing practitioner dedicated to guiding individuals on their ascension journeys. Growing up amidst the tranquil beauty of Minnesota, Brenda often sensed the presence of angels and spirits. Her life took a drastic turn after a near-death experience unlocked her ability to communicate with angels. Beyond her spiritual endeavors, Brenda enjoys spending time in nature and alpine skiing, where she finds inspiration and peace among nature's beauty. Those interested in exploring her teachings can visit her website,